1. To create this false virus, you need simply to create a file inside Windows. Click on the Start button, All Programs, Accessories then on Notepad.
2. Then recopy the following character string in the Notepad:
3. Then save the file while clicking on File then Save as.
4. Unroll the “Save as type” list then select the option All files.
5. Add the name of file in the zone File name. Choose the location where you want to save it (on Desktop) and then click on Save button.
6. If your antivirus is correctly activated, it must then alert you instantaneously presence of the Eicar virus.
7. Then ask your antivirus to remove the file. In my case I had installed nod32 and file was recognize and removed automatically without any additional action from me.
If your antivirus does not see anything, than you have a problem. It could be because of two reasons:
permanent protection is badly configured or there were some problems during antivirus installation.
Then you have to read documentation of your software to correct this problem. If the false virus is still not detected, you must then seriously think of changing anti-virus software.